Welcome to Space Resources .eu. This website is designed as a resource so that people like you can find out more about Space Mining, Lunar Mining and Asteroid Mining.
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Space Resources is a term used to explain the resources in space that can be detected, explored and extracted.
There are many misconceptions about space resources, so we'd like to zero in on the reality:
There are resources on the Moon, Asteroid Mining is possible, but the time to build the required technology and economies, (e.g. a sustainable and profitable CisLunar economy) takes decades. The good news is that many of the steps are underway, thanks to space agencies and new companies.
To support space resources start-ups and companies, and build a robust investment case, we focus on what is realistic, and the technology that will make all this possible.
Before reading further it is important to consider the true worth of space resources: What's mined in space has value in space, e.g. oxygen as propulsion for spacecraft or titanium for building materials for a space base, but what is mined in space, or extracted from the surface of the Moon, also has a value on earth: Platinum Group Metals and Rare Earth Elements.
In the growing global community, that is collectively developing Space Resources, there are two main camps: Lunar Resources, also known as Moon Mining, and Asteroid Mining. They are vastly different.
Key Points
Key Points
We are focussing on Space Mining, including the Moon / Lunar Surface Commercial Operations, and early Stage Asteroid Mining Ventures. Get in contact to find out more about investing in space resources.
In Octover we a releasing our 2019 Due Diligence for Investing in Space Resources: Focus on Lunar Commercialisation.. Visit us for more information.
What percentage of your national GDP is allocated to space? What percentage of your nation's space budget is allocated to space resources? If you would like to urge your politicians to allocate more public funds to space resouces, use our Space Resources Community Voice platform to download letters in your national language than you can sign and send to your politicians and decision makers.
European Space Resources Innovation Centre
ESRIC is a new European internationally recognised centre for the scientific, technical, business and economical aspects related space resources.
ESRIC is set to partner with public and private entities, the activities will be space resources research and development,
support for new economic activity, and lastly knowledge management and community management.
Space Resources Week
Space Resources Week, organized in Luxembourg, is a yearly 3-day conference connecting thought leaders from the terrestrial resources sectors, plus
aerospace, financE, research and academia.
A key focus is the challenges of developing in-situ resource utilization (ISRU).
It is organized by the European Space Resources Innovation Center (ESRIC).
Asteroid Day
Be part of the global intiative to learn more about Asteroids.
Space Resources commercial ventures are:
1. Developing space resources and asteroid mining hardware and technology.
2 Collating data on space resources targets, like water and precious metals on the Moon, composition of Near Earth Asteroids.
3. Forming the the Supply Chain of Companies for Space Resources and Asteroid Mining.
The Space Resources .EU website is part of Space Ventures Investors.
For agency information about Space Resources, please visit:
- The European Space Agency ISRU Strategy.
- The European Space Agency Lunar Science Strategy.
- Information about extracting Oxygen and metal from lunar regolith from ESA.
- Information about Luxembourg Space Resources.
- NASA ISRU - In-Situ Resource Utilization: Using Space-Based Resources for Human Missions in Deep Space.
The project timeline for an asteroid mining mission is at least 10 years, but the right time for investing in space resources is now. How can you decide to invest, and in which company?
There are numerous space resources companies that are developing the technology and skills required
for what can easily be described as the most complex resource operations in history with the highest possible payoff.
Most visitors to this website already understand the ramifications of viewing the Moon as an 8th continent to exploit, and asteroids as objects to mine or harvest.
Aside from the complexity in the technology and processes required there is a straight forward process to getting started.
Space Resources is dedicated to researching and laying out a Road Map for Space Resources.
That includes investing in space resources companies that meet certain criteria,
and understanding the emerging space commerce companies that will form part of the vital infrastructure of space resources operations.
Space Resources is growing in popularity in the mass media and niche space investing community.
Now it is possible for private investors in space resources via a crowdfund; FinTech and CrowdFunding have merged to help shape Space 2.0.
Asteroid mining, also known as asteroid harvesting, is promoted that the
Next Gold Rush will be Asteroids.
Mining the Moon, also known as Lunar Mining or Lunar Resources, is a growing theme because the European Space Agency and China are planning new activites, and there are even concepts of extracting Helium 3 from the Lunar surface to be used in a new generation of reactors on earth.
Locating and extracting Space Resources will become a viable industry sooner rather than later because the demand for precious metals, energy and space related commerce and research is increasing, the the cost to participate is decreasing, and finding the right resources on earth becomes a side-issue when the same resources can be sourced from space.
In general, the cost benefit of operating space resources related business is becoming more and more obvious as the cost of entry into space decreases:
In essence, space entrepreneurs can launch more sophisticated hardware and software at an ever decreasing cost, meaning the barrier to entry for space resources companies is becoming lower and lower.
How Can We Value Space Resources?
There’s two main markets for resources from space.
By stepping back in history, way back from the recent digital revolution, then back further through the cold war and two world wars of last century, and all the way back to the 15th Century, you will find European Empires competing to explore the New World. What happened then shaped the geo-politics of our times. Attracting the Old World Empires to uncover the unknown world was the need for the exploration of new territories to create new trade opportunities.
A crowded Earth will look to Off-World Territories to create new trade opportunities. Upcoming space commerce businesses are based on:
Investing in asteroid mining, funding missions to extract space resources, forming syndicates to invest in space companies exploring for valuable commodities.
Building and operating missions to extract energy and precious metals from asteroids and the moon.
Returning or transporting energy and precious metals to the earth or customers in the solar system.
Space resources investors will be the enabler for the next phase of discovery, exploration, and new opportunities – a trillion dollar market.
Space Ventures Investors
is focussed on bridging space investors with space investments.
If you are interested in investing in space, then get in contact with us.
Space Ventures Investors - Our main website and corporate home.
Lunar Resources Registry is a transparent
registry of Public (e.g. Space Agencies) and Commercial activity on the surface of the Moon.
Space Tourism - Find out how to invest in Space Tourism.
Space Stocks and Space Funds - A research platform for space stocks and space funds, including share price charts and analysis.